Sunday, 7 February 2016


How does an actor make an offer?
- be able to offer yourself
- be open and responsive to other people 
- allow yourself to be completely vulnerable as a bi product of vulnerability is stage presence 
- have instinctual ideas.
- play your objectives to the fullest amount 
- be big 
- don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself 
- play your objective 

By acting on your instincts you may hurt someone or be hurt. Work to the limit of your physical capabilities. Allow physical and emotional pain. 

stage plan

Assess the basic stage configuration 

Audience need to be higher so they are above the stage. 
Titianas sofa up high and closer to the audience so more action is happening down that end. 
bride and groom table 
split audience and have some included on the tables or on the edges of the room
use lighting to attract audience to different scenes
not enough freedom to walk around 
physical theatre for toilet scenes 

Monday lesson 01/02/16

Today we focused on vowels and consonants to understand how they can unlock meaning and character. 
Firstly we had an argument using just vowels and then an argument using just consonants, we found that the argument with consonants was more aggressive but the vowels had more feeling and emotion, also it was harder to think of the consonants to use as there is a larger selection to choose from so you either stick to 2 or 3 or have difficulty thinking up new ones. 
Then we had to woo our partner using just vowels and just consonants, using vowels was easier here as the vowels were longer and more emotive where as very few consonant sounds have a light enough approach to be flirtatious.
Later we worked on act 1 scene 1, we broke it down into just vowels and then into just consonants. When it was just vowels you could make more sense of what was happening and follow the lines but when it was just consonants it sounded robotic or like someone was on the phone driving through a tunnel this was very hard to follow and understand and had very little emotion or conviction. Then we put it together and once we did this it was easier to say it, we knew the words better, we would convey the language and emotion better and it flowed much easier as we understood the text.
From these exercises we learnt that vowels open words up and consonants break or sharpen words,