Monday, 7 March 2016


Advise for actors
How do actors learn lines efficiently?
There are many different ways and methods that actors use to learn lines. I prefer to learn lines by re-reading my part over and over again until i have an understanding of the shape of the line then attempting to run the scene with my family reading other characters and prompting me when needed. This helps me with corrections and making sure my lines are perfect. Some people like to use a method called look and cover where you look at a small bit and cover it to make sure they know it thn add some more and repeat. Others like to use physical actions to prompt a line so the line runs on the movement.

Tips from the lesson
Done close the space- keep it open
Make sure you are playing to your objective and you know your objectives clearly but don't be afraid to change them if the shape of the scene changes.
Learn lines
To perform we rehear and repeat, don't start to feel comfortable with keeping it the same and try to adapt the scene each time you rehearse.


Today we looked at iambic pentameter.
 Iambic pentameter is when lies consist of 10 syllables every other syllable having emphasis. This is often used by Shakespeare to show higher class in characters, Puck often speaks in iambic pentameter and so i felt this exercise was very helpful.
In pairs we had to create a short 6 line conversation using iambic pentameter. From this we found that when the lines have a flow and a rhythm they are easier to remember. During performing our short piece i had difficulties remembering my lines which were'n't in iambic pentameter.
Our conversation went:

I love you very much you are so great - person 1
I do despise the your not my lover - person 2
I shall always love the til deaths door - person 1
follow me i'll call the police i'm sure - person 2
Do not call or i shall cry i'm gonna die - person 1
Go away I hate you so very badly - person 2