Thursday, 7 January 2016

7/01/16 Read through

How to interrogate text 

1: read through 
2: initial thoughts
I don't really understand the language but I like the overall story line and find it very comical, I like the use of the actors as this adds a comedic factor and also puck and Oberon casting spells on people is also a funny thing which adds to the scene 
The relation ship between the four Athenians is a bit confusing but I enjoyed the melodrama 
I think I need to decipher the language more and understand the meaning behind each line before I think about anything else. I'm t was easier to infer how to act or react to a situation than I thought and the language was easier than I expected but still hard
Fast paced, lots of transitions and short scenes which tire you as you watch it 

3: work out the themes 
The themes are comedy as many of the characters such as the actors and puck and very comedic, romance as the idea of a wedding and the four Athenians relationship is a four way love hate relationship which does add some comedy in a melodramatic way. 
It showed it themes well and this stood out a lot
It is a patriarchal society as her father chooses her husband 
Magic is featured through the fairys
Control/ order 

3.1: work out data      Unit 18
Titania, bottom,
Time of day 
Romantic and poetic 
Props/ set
Flowery bed
Do we need any SFX/LFX?
Bottoms music?

4: work out what questions the play asks 
Before we impose concept we must ask ourselves what assets do we have
Simple school props
Large number of actors 
Skills of cast 
411 is rehearsal room, square hot rehearsal room 

5: test concepts 

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